The open-loop solution of the soft-constrained time-optimal control pr
oblem can be efficiently computed in terms of the controllability Gram
mian matrix, but a closed-loop implementation was found to be cumberso
me. This control was observed to have a saturation property strongly r
eminiscent of the hard-constrained time-optimal control problem. In th
is paper, we present a theoretical justification for the observed satu
ration and propose a modification of the problem statement that gives
a suboptimal solution and results in a drastically simpler implementat
ion of the feedback time-optimal soft-constrained control. Moreover, w
e generalize the proposed approach to generate a family of saturating
control laws occupying a middle ground between linear state-feedback a
nd hard-constrained time-optimal controls. For illustration, we consid
er the simultaneous slewing and vibration suppression of an undamped f
lexible beam that is reducible to a marginally stable linear system. A
s an example, we design a simple and elegant feedback control law wher
e the regulation time and control amplitude saturate like the square r
oot of the norm of the state vector.