In a previous article, Riehl-Emde and Willi (1993) discussed the ambiv
alence of professional marital and family therapists towards the preve
ntion of martial distress. In this article some of their criticisms ar
e discussed, e.g. the norm-orientation and the social context of these
programs. Since the authors raised doubts concerning the longterm-eff
ectiveness of premarital prevention programs recent data from the EPL-
study (Ehevorbereitung: Ein Partnerschaftliches Lern-programm) is pres
ented. The EPL-program is designed to teach couples effective communic
ation and conflict management skills. The effectiveness of the EPL was
evaluated using 77 EPL- and 32 control-couples and a comprehensive as
sessment battery. At the 3-year follow-up EPL-couples showed higher le
vels of both relationship satisfaction and communication skills than c
ontrol couples. Furthermore, the rate of separation and divorce was si
gnificantly lower. Marital and family therapists should reconsider the
ir critical stance towards the prevention of marital distress.