We have identified transcripts encoding several different forms of rat
TrkC, a member of the Trk family of receptor tyrosine kinases that se
rves as a receptor for neurotrophin-3. Some forms of TrkC lack the int
racytoplasmic kinase domain and thus resemble previously defined trunc
ated variants of TrkB. Other forms of TrkC contain variable-sized amin
o acid insertions within the tyrosine kinase domain. Transcripts encod
ing all forms of TrkC can be detected throughout the nervous system, d
isplaying substantial overlap as well as mutually exclusive distributi
on patterns with transcripts for TrkB. Strikingly, only transcripts en
coding the truncated forms of TrkB and TrkC are found in astrocytes, p
eripheral nerve, and nonneural tissues. Finally, forms of TrkC contain
ing insertions within the kinase domain retain their ability to autoph
osphorylate in response to neurotrophin-3, but cannot mediate prolifer
ation in fibroblasts or neuronal differentiation in PC12 cells.