We attempted to clarify the anatomic relationships of the lacrimal sac
by performing standard orbital dissections to expose the lacrimal can
aliculi, lacrimal sac, the ethmoid air cells, nasal septum, frontal si
nuses, and the cribriform plate in five human cadaver heads; and then
measuring the distance between the internal common punctum (ICP) and f
ive key structures. The mean vector distance from the ICP to the anter
ior aspect of the cribriform plate was 25.1 +/- 2.95 mm. This measurem
ent, along with the others, helps clarify osteotomy placement for dacr
yocystorhinostomy, so that, for example, cerebrospinal fluid leak can
be prevented. Improved understanding of the anatomy of this region is
also valuable in planning surgery for orbital and naso-orbital tumors,
trauma, and congenital abnormalities.