Several crystals of Gd3SC2Ga3O12 (GSGG) with different concentrations
of Nd3+ and Cr3+ ions have been grown using the Czochralski technique.
Optical absorption and site-selective luminescence spectra have been
measured in the wavelength range 350-900 nm at low temperatures (15-77
K). These spectral reveal the presence of Nd3+ ions in two different
crystal field sites. Some Nd3+ ions substitute for Gd3+ ions in unit c
ells in which the central octahedral site is occupied by Sc3+ ions. Ho
wever, in a significant fraction of unit cells containing Nd3+ the cen
tral octahedral site is occupied by Cr3+ ions. These centres are label
led Nd3+ (SC3+) and Nd3+ (Cr3+), respectively. The spectroscopic chara
cteristics of these perturbed Nd3+ centres are reported and their rele
vance to the enhanced Nd3+ laser efficiency of Cr3+:Nd3+:GSGG relative
to Nd3+:GSGG is discussed.