I determined the fatty acid composition of subcutaneous, abdominal, vi
sceral, and leg saddle depots in adult female Canada Geese (Branta can
adensis) wintering in north-central Missouri during October 1984-March
1985. Mean levels of C14:0, C16:0. C16:1, C18:0, C18:1, C18:2, and C1
8:3 generally were highest in the subcutaneous and abdominal depots. T
he ratio of saturated to unsaturated fats was highest in the leg saddl
e depot and lowest in the abdominal depot. I also assessed the differe
nces among sexes, seasons, and years in fatty acid composition of abdo
minal fat depots in adult geese collected during October-March, 1985-1
987. Adult females had consistently higher levels of C14:0 in abdomina
l depots than males. Fatty acid composition of the abdominal depot dif
fered among years but not by season. In the abdominal depot, C14:0, C1
6:0, C16:1, and C18:1 were higher in 1986-1987 compared with the previ
ous two years, whereas Cl 8:3 was highest in 1984-1985. Differences am
ong years reflected changes in winter diet. Fatty acids of wintering g
eese were similar to those previously found in breeding Canada Geese.