Proximate composition of wild and cultured strains of Palmaria palmata
and the effect of temperature, time of harvest and nitrogen deprivati
on were studied with an emphasis on lipids and fatty acids. Total lipi
d content of the two strains were 2.0 and 1.8% (dry weight basis), res
pectively. The cultured strain showed increased accumulation of protei
n and ash in comparison to the wild strain. Myristic, palmitic and eic
osapentaenoic acids (EPA) were major fatty acids in both wild and cult
ured strains with 18:1 omega-7 equalling or exceeding the level of myr
istic acid in the cultured strain. No major trends were noted in unsat
urated fatty acids including EPA with time of harvest. The C18 unsatur
ated fatty acids tended to increase in nitrogen deprived cultures rela
tive to the initial and nitrogen-sufficient controls at 11-degrees-C.
Nitrogen deficiency at 11-degrees-C resulted in a decrease in lipid an
d EPA contents, while the concentration of saturated fatty acids remai
ned constant. Triglycerides and free fatty acids were the main reservo
irs of polyunsaturated fatty acids including EPA for both strains.