Major depression is a common, serious, and potentially life-threatenin
g illness in the elderly. Moreover, this population is perhaps the mos
t difficult to treat effectively and safely for this disease. Changes
in physiology associated with advancing age produce clinically signifi
cant differences in drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics in these pati
ents versus younger individuals. The elderly are also more likely than
young patients to receive treatment for multiple illnesses. This fact
increases the potential for serious pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinet
ic drug-drug interactions. The practicing clinician now has five disti
nct classes of antidepressant medications that may be used for treatin
g depression in the elderly: tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs; e.g., de
sipramine, nortriptyline), monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs; e.g.,
isocarboxazid, tranylcypromine), selective serotonin reuptake inhibito
rs (SSRIs; i.e., fluoxetine, sertraline, and paroxetine), aminoketones
(i.e., bupropion), and triazolopyridines (i.e., trazodone). Although
all are effective antidepressants, the SSRI class may be the best choi
ce for the treatment of elderly depressed patients, based on a number
of considerations. SSRIs have a broad spectrum of antidepressant activ
ity, being effective in different types of major depressive episodes (
e.g., melancholic, atypical), have a wide therapeutic index, and are f
ree of many potentially serious adverse effects associated with other
antidepressants, such as central nervous system and cardiovascular tox
icity (TCAs, bupropion), orthostatic hypotension (TCAs, MAOIs, and tra
zodone), and sedation (TCAs, trazodone). While SSRIs as a group share
a common presumed mechanism of action, there are clinically important
differences among the members of this class. First, the pharmacokineti
cs of sertraline are the same in both elderly and younger patients, wh
ereas elderly, in comparison with younger, patients develop higher pla
sma levels of fluoxetine (and its active metabolite, norfluoxetine) or
paroxetine, when given the same dose. Second, the SSRIs differ in the
ir potential for pharmacokinetic interactions with other psychotropic
and non-psychotropic drugs. Fluoxetine, norfluoxetine (the major metab
olite of fluoxetine), and paroxetine are potent inhibitors of the hepa
tic isoenzyme P450 IID6, whereas sertraline has much weaker inhibitory
effects on its activity. Inhibition of P450 isoenzymes can cause pote
ntially dangerous increases in the plasma levels of a large number of
drugs, including TCAs, neuroleptics, and mood stabilizers, such as car
bamazepine. Thus, sertraline has several characteristics that offer ad
vantages over other members of this class of antidepressants for the t
reatment of the elderly patient with major depression.