Human babesiosis in Europe came to medical attention in 1957 and until
now 19 cases have been reported, most of them due to Babesia divergen
s. The onset of the disease is characterized by hemoglobinuria, high f
ever and renal failure ensue rapidly. The patients were generally aspl
enic and resident in a rural area. Intraerythrocytic pleomorphic paras
ites (1-3 mum) observed in stained thin blood smears are essential for
Genus diagnosis. Parasitemia varyed from 5 to 80% of red blood cells.
Massive blood exchange transfusion (2-3 blood volumes) followed by in
travenous clindamycine (3-4 times daily) and oral quinine (600 mg base
, 3 times daily) were successfully used in the treatment of three rece
nt cases. Splenectomised individuals should be aware for prevention.