Infusion of bradykinin into the renal medullary interstitium (0.1 mug/
min, n=6) significantly increased renal papillary blood flow as measur
ed by laser-Doppler flowmetry to 117+/-3% of control without altering
cortical blood flow or blood pressure in anesthetized Munich-Wistar ra
ts. In animals prepared for clearance studies, renal medullary bradyki
nin infusion did not alter total renal blood flow, glomerular filtrati
on rate, or renal interstitial hydrostatic pressure but increased urin
e flow by 100%, sodium excretion by 111%, and fractional sodium excret
ion by 107%. No changes occurred in mean arterial pressure or contrala
teral kidney function during the interstitial bradykinin infusion. Blo
ckade of endogenous kinin degradation by interstitial infusion of capt
opril (1 mg/hr) significantly increased papillary blood flow by 21+/-5
% without altering cortical blood flow. Pretreatment with the nitric o
xide inhibitor N(G)-nitro-L-arginine-methyl ester (2 mug/min, n=7) eli
minated the increase in papillary blood flow associated with either br
adykinin or captopril infusion. We conclude that renal medullary inter
stitial infusion of bradykinin increases sodium and water excretion, w
hich is associated with a selective increase in papillary blood How by
a nitric oxide-dependent mechanism.