Patients with rheumatoid arthritis must learn to adjust their exercise
, rest and medication to the varying activity of the disease. Patient
education can help patients in making the right decisions about adjust
ments in their treatment regimen and in attaining ''self-management''
behaviors. We developed a group education program based on social lear
ning theory and the 'Arthritis Self-Management Course' developed in th
e USA by Lorig. Goal of the program is the strengthening of self-effic
acy, outcome expectations and self-management behaviors of RA patients
which may lead to better health status. The program has been evaluate
d in an experimental design. We established significant positive effec
ts of the group training on functional disability, joint tenderness, p
ractice of relaxation and physical exercises, self-management behavior
, outcome expectations, self-efficacy function and knowledge. After 14
months we still found effects on practice of physical exercises, self
-efficacy function and knowledge.