The vacuolar membrane (tonoplast) of higher plant cells contains an ab
undant 27 kDa protein called TIP (tonoplast intrinsic protein) that oc
curs in different isoforms and belongs to a large family of homologous
channel-like proteins found in bacteria, plants and animals. In the p
resent study, we identified and characterized the function of gamma-TI
P from Arabidopsis thaliana by expression of the protein in Xenopus oo
cytes. gamma-TIP increased the osmotic water permeability of oocytes 6
- to 8-fold, to values in the range 1-1.5 x 10(-2) cm/s. Similar resul
ts were obtained with the homologous human erythrocyte protein CHIP28,
recently identified as the erythrocyte water channel. The bacterial h
omolog GlpF did not affect the osmotic water permeability of oocytes,
but facilitated glycerol uptake, in accordance with its known function
. By contrast, gamma-TIP did not promote glycerol permeability. Voltag
e clamp experiments provided evidence showing that gamma-TIP induced n
o electrogenic ion transport in oocytes, especially during osmotic cha
llenge that resulted in massive transport of water. These results allo
w us to conclude that the various protein members of the MIP family ha
ve unique and specific transport functions and that the plant protein
gamma-TIP likely functions as a water specific channel in the vacuolar