The authors report on the case of a 32 years old woman treated with pr
ednison and diphenylsulfon for a multivisceral sarcoidosis ; headache
and progressive oculomotor paralysis revealed an expansive lesion of t
he left cavernous sinus extending to the temporal fossa. C.T. scan, M.
R.I., and angiographic data as well as the intra-operative findings ev
oked the diagnosis of meningioma. Pathological findings showed an epit
helioid and gigantocellular granuloma without caseous necrosis, corres
ponding to a sarcoidosic lesion. After the operation, the increase of
steroid doses was followed by a complete regression of the tumoral rem
nants, and total clinical recovery. In a patient having a previously d
iagnosed sarcoidosis with evidence of an intracranial tumor mimicking
a meningioma, steroids should be first prescribed. Efficacy of steroid
s on sarcoid granulomas is often dramatic; surgical approach would be
discussed in case of ineffective steroid therapy, of persisting questi
onnable diagnosis, and of tumoral threatening compression.