Relations to determine the minimum fluidization velocity (u(mf)) are t
ested statistically with 80 measurements reported in the literature on
20 different substances. All relevant relations (33 equations) can be
reformulated as dimensionless correlations in which the state of the
fluidized bed is determined by the parameter Ar/Re(mf). The Ergun equa
tion, the well-established relation for the pressure drop over packed
beds of spherical particles, can be used to describe the behaviour of
a fluidized bed at the minimum fluidization velocity correctly. Approx
imations of the Ergun equation give results which are only valid over
a limited range of Reynolds numbers and are not able to match the orig
inal equation. Pure empirical equations are applicable in specific cas
es, but cannot be generalized. The Ergun equation is reformulated as f
ollows: GRAPHICS This equation, in which the characteristic parameter
of the bed (Ar/Re) GRAPHICS is a function of type of particles forming
the porous bed plus the flow of the fluid through this bed, is clearl
y superior compared to any other equation.