Lectin pattern of Vigna glabrescens, a naturally occurring allotetrapl
oid, was studied as a guide to determine its probable parents. Lectin
patterns of a few of the synthetic allotetraploids and their known par
ents were also studied for purposes of comparison with V. glabrescens.
Specific activities of lectins, obtained by the dissociation of agglu
tinated erythrocytes, were compared. Similarity index values of the pr
oteins present in crude seed extracts were determined by polyacrylamid
e gel electrophoresis. Sugar inhibition and divalent cation activation
of lectins were also investigated as markers for phylogenetic relatio
nships in Vigna. From these studies it has been concluded that V. radi
ata, V. umbellata and V. trilobata are the probable parents of V. glab
rescens and the evolution of V. glabrescens is perhaps the result of t
rigenomic interactions.