The objective of the present work was to identify independent life-sty
le factors for stroke and to estimate their causal contribution. The s
tudy is based on a random sample of the Copenhagen population selected
in 1976 and stratified by age. The present analysis includes 12,961 s
ubjects examined initially, aged 35 or over and without a previous cer
ebrovascular event, for whom information about life-style factors was
recorded between 1976 and 1978. The outcome was the first-in-life stro
ke or transient ischemic attack during 12 years of follow-up. The even
ts were ascertained at a second examination 5 years later and from hos
pital records and death certificates through 1988. Cox's regression mo
del was used to estimate the effect on stroke risk of the factors reco
rded. In the period 1976-1988, 693 initial events were recorded in eli
gible responders. Among the lifte-style factors analyzed, a significan
t, independent effect was found for cigarette smoking, daily consumpti
on of sleeping pills or tranquilizers and body mass index (BMI). There
was a tendency for daily alcohol intake to be associated with lower r
isk, this could not be demonstrated for physical activity at leisure t
ime. Among smokers, stroke risk was influenced by the number of cigare
ttes smoked, and daily alcohol intake was associated with a significan
tly lower risk. The effect of smoking decreased with age. BMI in smoke
rs still had a significant effect on stroke risk but neither daily con
sumption of tranquilizers, nor physical inactivity at leisure time had
a significant influence.