Consumption of antidepressants is increasing markedly, due in particul
ar to the growing use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, whic
h are considerably more expensive than tricyclic antidepressants. Usin
g the classic traditional clinical decision model and the traditional
economic decision model, a number of criteria are put forward which co
uld improve precision in evaluations of societal economics. The method
ology used in many health economic investigations within the medical s
pecializations, including psychiatry, is not entirely satisfactory. Th
erefore these investigations currently have little influence on the ch
oice of antidepressive treatment. Several cost-of-illness analyses of
depressive diseases have been published, great disparity being reporte
d both for the disease and the population. However, there is consisten
cy with regard to share of indirect costs, which would amount to 3-4 b
illion DKK a year, 75% of which is attributable to lost productivity.