Application of genetic linkage maps in plant genetics and breeding can
be greatly facilitated by integrating the available classical and mol
ecular genetic linkage maps. In rice, Oryza sativa L., the classical l
inkage map includes about 300 genes which correspond to various import
ant morphological, physiological, biochemical and agronomic characteri
stics. The molecular maps consist of more than 500 DNA markers which c
over most of the genome within relatively short intervals. Little effo
rt has been made to integrate these two genetic maps. In this paper we
report preliminary results of an ongoing research project aimed at th
e complete integration and alignment of the two linkage maps of rice.
Six different F2 populations segregating for various phenotypic and RF
LP markers were used and a total of 12 morphological and physiological
markers (Table 1) were mapped onto our recently constructed molecular
map. Six linkage groups (i.e., chr. 1, 3, 7, 9, 11 and 12) on our RFL
P map were aligned with the corresponding linkage groups on the classi
cal map, and the previous alignment for chromosome 6 was further confi
rmed by RFLP mapping of an additional physiological marker on this chr
omosome. Results from this study, combined with our previous results,
indicate that, for most chromosomes in rice, the RFLP map encompasses
the classical map. The usefulness of an integrated genetic linkage map
for rice genetics and breeding is discussed.