In tokamaks heated with ICRF power, the time evolution of the resonant
minority ion population can have a profound influence on the power de
position in the plasma, particularly in the limit when the fast-ion sl
owing-down time is comparable with or longer than the period of other
time-dependent phenomena in the discharge, such as sawtooth oscillatio
ns, which can alter the distribution of the fast ions. In order to pro
perly include this effect in transport simulations of ICRF-heated toka
mak discharges, a time-dependent predictive transport and heating code
has been developed by integrating the WHIST 2D MHD equilibrium/ID flu
x-surface-averaged transport code with the RAZE hybrid ray-tracing/Fok
ker-Planck ICRF heating code. The package has three distinguishing fea
tures: (i) the wave propagation and damping calculations are evaluated
using a numerical solution for the instantaneous plasma equilibrium w
hich is self-consistently evolved in time, accounting for energy, part
icle and magnetic diffusion in the presence of intense auxiliary heati
ng; (ii) the wave absorption is calculated on the basis of the combine
d effects of RF-driven quasilinear diffusion and collisional thermaliz
ation, and therefore includes heating due to all resonant processes in
the plasma; and (iii) the time evolution of the minority distribution
function is explicitly retained by solving the time dependent Fokker-
Planck equation in the isotropic limit. Simulations obtained with the
code for high-power ICRF heating experiments in PLT show excellent agr
eement between the calculated and measured rate of central electron he
ating. Performance projections obtained for ICRF-heated plasmas in BPX
indicate that the fusion gain, Q, exceeds 5 even if the best confinem
ent achievable in the device is limited to the L-mode regime.