Poloidal and toroidal rotation velocities of impurity ions have been m
easured with spatial resolution in the TJ-I tokamak from the shift of
impurity lines. The behaviour of poloidal rotation with regard to plas
ma density, plasma current and safety factor has been studied. Plasma
core impurities rotate poloidally in the electron diamagnetic drift di
rection, with a few exceptions, and with a different velocity for each
species. In contrast intrinsic edge impurities may rotate in the oppo
site direction for averaged densities below 1.5 x 10(13) cm-3. Whereas
a central peaking impurity rotates poloidally like a rigid body, othe
r species peaking at mid-radii exhibit sheared poloidal rotation. Thes
e results have been related to changes in the plasma potential. The be
haviour of impurity rotation in the TJ-I tokamak is discussed in the c
ontext of the standard neoclassical theory.