The broadband X-ray spectrum of the prototypical starburst galaxg M82
is very complex. At least three spectral components are required to fi
t the combined ROSAT and ASCA spectrum in the 0.1-10 keV range. The ob
served X-ray flux in this band is dominated by a hard Gamma=1.7, heavi
ly absorbed power-law component which originates in the nucleus and ne
ar-nuclear disk of the galaxy. Among the candidates for the origin of
this hard X-ray emission, the most plausible appears to be inverse-Com
pton scattered emission from the interaction of the copious infrared p
hoton flux of M82 with supernova-generated relativistic electrons. The
measured intrinsic luminosity of the power-law component agrees close
ly with calculations of the expected inverse-Compton luminosity, Moreo
ver, the radio and X-ray emission in the nucleus of M82 have the same
spectral slope, which should be the case if both types of emission are
nonthermal and ape associated with a common population of electrons.
The other two spectral components, thermal plasmas with characteristic
temperatures kT approximate to 0.6 and 0.3 keV, are associated with t
he star formation and starburst-driven wind in M82. The warmer thermal
component is heavily absorbed as well and must also originate in the
central region of the galaxy. The softer thermal component, however, i
s not absorbed, and is likely to represent the X-ray emission that ex;
ends along tie minor axis of M82. The amount of absorption required in
the three-component model suggests that the intrinsic luminosity of M
82 in the 0.1-10 keV band is about four times greater than its observe
d luminosity of 4 x 10(40) ergs s(-1).