Decorative coatings of zirconium boride were deposited on steel and mo
lybdenum substrates employing d.c. magnetron sputter deposition using
ZrB12 targets and neon, argon and krypton as process gases. The charac
terization of the coatings occurred by means of scanning electron micr
oscopy, electron probe microanalysis, X-ray diffraction, Vickers micro
hardness measurements and quantitative colour analysis. The effect of
the ion bombardment caused by the applied bias voltage using various p
rocess gases on the film formation was investigated. Measurements of t
he deposition rates yielded the highest values for neon and argon. In
the case of neon and krypton the stoichiometry of the extremely fine-g
rained films containing the ZrB2 and a distorted boron phase could be
varied by using different bias voltages in a wide range, whereas the b
ombardment with argon ions seemed to have less effect on the stoichiom
etry. The maximum Vickers microhardness of the highly reflecting silve
r-grey films was found to be approximately 2200 HV 0.01.