BACKGROUND: The diagnosis of paludism is important because of the seve
rity of the clinical picture caused by Plasmodium falciparum, the incr
easing number of travellers to endemic zones and the emigration from t
hese zones. A comparative study of the QBC techniques (staining with a
cridin orange and observation with ultraviolet light) and the thick fi
lm with Giemsa staining was carried out.METHODS: The QBC and thick fil
m were performed parallely for 17 months in a total of 623 samples per
taining to subjects from endemic zones of paludism (emigrants, immigra
nts and travellers). RESULTS: Of the 623 samples studied 49 were posit
ive for paludism by both techniques. Ten were positive with only the t
hick film and six were positive only with QBC. The sensitivity of QBC
versus thick film was 83 % and specificity 98.9 %. The time used to de
termine diagnosis with the QBC technique ranged from 6 to 12 minutes f
rom withdrawal of the sample, while with the thick film the time spent
was more than 2 hours. The cases positive by thick film and negative
with QBC corresponded to patients with very low parasitation. The inte
nsity of parasitation was difficult to determine quantitatively by QBC
. CONCLUSIONs: Although the QBC technique has the advantage of speed i
t is inexact with respect to the quantification of parasitemia. Moreov
er, it is less sensitive than the thick film in patient with very low
parasitations and cannot thus substitute the thick film.