Functional activation of the human brain can be visualized with magnet
ic resonance (MR) imaging, but most studies so far have used echo-plan
ar imaging or magnetic fields of 2 T and above, neither of which are a
t present widely available. The authors used a standard 1.5-T MR imagi
ng system to map regions of the brain that are activated with visual a
nd motor tasks, using a long echo time (60 msec) fast low-angle shot s
equence. Eleven visual and 14 motor studies were performed, and activa
tion was seen in all cases. Up to 15% signal intensity change was appa
rent in gray matter but not in white matter. The precise anatomic loca
tion and extent of activation were defined by reference to T1-weighted
images acquired during the same examination. This method of relating
brain structure to function uses equipment that is widely available, w
hich has considerable implications for the investigation of many neuro
logic and neurosurgical diseases and for our understanding of brain fu
nction and dysfunction.