Time division multiplexing (TDM) is a natural multiplexing format for
many services that will be found in future optical telecommunications
networks, such as high definition television (HDTV) and videophone. Th
is paper is the first part of a systematic theoretical study of archit
ectures for optical TDM switching, using lithium niobate optical switc
hes, with optical fiber delay lines for storage. The architectures all
ow the bitrate and wavelength transparency of these devices to be expl
oited. A technique involving recursive definition and proof is used to
define the networks, which are mathematically related to Benes and Wa
ksman networks. This produces architectures that are very different fr
om existing optical TDM networks. They exhibit economical use of compo
nents, which reaches the theoretical minimum in some cases. Also, the
use of ''feed-forward'' rather than ''feed-back'' delays give these ne
tworks superior crosstalk performance and more uniform attenuation tha
n existing designs. Dilated Benes networks are generalized so that all
the networks proposed here can be dilated. This drastically reduces c
rosstalk at the expense of roughly doubling the number of switches. At
tenuation is also studied, and it is found that by constructing the ne
twork properly, it can be reorganized onto only a few substrates, grea
tly reducing attenuation. Network architectures both having and lackin
g frame integrity are considered.