The main message coming from long term ice core records may be the clo
se association between changes in the atmospheric composition, and gla
cial/interglacial changes. When compared with the preanthropogenic lev
els, the Vostok paleorecords show lower CO2 and CH4 concentrations and
significant variations in aerosols of both terrestrial and oceanic or
igins. These changes, in particular those associated with greenhouse g
ases, may account for about half of the temperature change over the la
st climatic cycle. Although the interplay between the physical atmosph
eric and oceanic systems and the biosphere has still to be clarified,
this finding may provide a clue to help in the prediction of future gr
eenhouse gases induced warming. In view of available paleodata, a warm
ing of 3-4-degrees-C, at equilibrium, may be a realistic figure for a
doubling of CO2 concentrations or its equivalent.