The x-ray standing wave (XSW) technique was applied to determine the l
attice location of Si impurity atoms in GaAs(100) crystals. The synchr
otron radiation of X24A at the national synchrotron light source was u
tilized to set up backreflection XSW, an experimental geometry which d
rastically relaxes the otherwise stringent requirement on the lattice
perfection. Specifically, the lattice sites were determined with respe
ct to the [311] reflection planes which differentiate a Ga site from a
n As site. With the aid of an appropriate choice of the x-ray fluoresc
ence filter, we were able to study GaAs(100) samples with very low lev
els of Si impurities. On a sample doped with 4 X 10(18) cm-3 Si during
the molecular-beam epitaxy growth, we found that the Si atoms predomi
nantly occupied the Ga sites. On both an ion-implanted sample after an
nealing and a sample with Si impurities introduced by thermal diffusio
n, about 30% of the Si atoms occupied the Ga sites, and the rest occup
ied random sites. The As site occupation was less than 6%. Suggestions
are made for further experiments with improved sensitivity.