Compaction in the 0.05- to 0.30-m depth may limit tillering and N accu
mulation in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.); these effects may be yield r
educing. Before imposing compaction treatments in a field study in Min
nesota, perforated small-diameter tubing was buried in a Waukegan silt
loam (sandy skeletal, mixed, mesic Typic Hapludoll) at a depth of 0.2
m in all plots. Compacted plots each received four passes with a heav
y vibrating roller, while control plots were disk plowed and then disk
harrowed. All plots were then surface roto-tilled and seeded to wheat
. At early tillering a (KNO3)-N-15 solution was applied to the subsurf
ace via the tubing. Plants sampled for N-15/N recovery 24 h after N-15
application, at anthesis, and at maturity showed no significantly dif
ferent N-15 or N concentration or accumulation per culm/individual org
an in response to compaction. Because subsurface compaction reduced ti
llering, N uptake in the grain and straw was reduced by 21 and 30%, re
spectively. After the 0.10-m surface layer was removed from all plots
in a field study on a clay loam soil (Typic Calcixerolls) in Morocco,
the subsurface was compacted by four passes with a 7.5-ton tractor. So
il was then replaced, leveled, and only the control plots were disk pl
owed and disk harrowed twice. Both compacted and control plots were ro
to-tilled and seeded. Nitrogen concentration and accumulation per culm
/individual organ immediately after tillering was reduced less than 5%
by the compacted treatment in both 1982 and 1983. Reduced tillering i
n the compacted treatment reduced average N uptake 11 and 28% in the g
rain and siraw, respectively. In all three tests N concentration in th
e shoot at the end of tillering was high; yet it was higher in the com
pacted treatment. Then N concentration and uptake was reduced by compa
ction on a per culm basis at maturity, and earlier in one of the field
studies. Root length density was reduced in the compacted zone in res
ponse to greater penetrometer load and higher bulk density. Tiller bud
development was suppressed by the compaction treatment as much as 20%
even though concentrations of N were high in the shoot. Tiller losses
and declines of N concentration in the shoot in the post tillering st
ages were nearly the same in both treatments. Additional N before till
ering therefore cannot overcome the adverse influence of subsoil compa