The use of space by 11 radiotracked polecats Mustela putorius was stud
ied in western France. Their range averaged 1.12 km2 for males, and 0.
44 km2 for females. It decreased to 0.24 km2 in spring in males, but d
id not change in females. The size of the range was strongly correlate
d with the body weight of the male. The polecat's range was selectivel
y exploited, woods and marshy areas being more heavily frequented. The
activity of the animals was concentrated on very restricted areas, an
d the average distance travelled daily was 757 m for males and 452 m f
or females. The partial overlap of the activity areas of individual po
lecats might indicate a lack of territorial behaviour of the species.
However, different polecats never used the same area in the same time,
and only juvenile individuals could cohabit with an adult female unti
l the next spring.