The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association between long
-term control of diabetes mellitus (DM) and periodontitis. A total of
75 diabetics (Type I or II) aged 20-70 years with long-term records of
their diabetic control were selected for the study. The following per
iodontal variables were recorded in a randomized half-mouth examinatio
n: plaque, calculus (+/-), probing depth (pd) and attachment loss (al)
. The mean of glycosylated hemoglobin measurements (HbAlc) over the pa
st 2-5 years was used to indicate the long-term control of DM. The stu
dy participants were divided into well-, moderately- and poorly-contro
lled diabetics. An increase in the prevalence, severity and extent of
periodontitis with poorer control of diabetes was observed. The extent
of calculus also increased with poorer control. In a multiple regress
ion analysis, calculus and long-term control of diabetes were signific
ant variables when pd greater-than-or-equal-to 4 mm was used as the de
pendent variable. Age was a significant predictor for al greater-than-
or-equal-to 3 mm but not for pd greater-than-or-equal-to 4 mm. Sex, du
ration and type of DM were not significant variables in the regression
models. Less than 2% of sites with no calculus demonstrated pd greate
r-than-or-equal-to 4 mm. When calculus was present, the frequency of p
d greater-than-or-equal-to 4 mm increased from 6% in the well-controll
ed diabetics to 16% in the poorly-controlled ones. We conclude that pe
riodontitis in diabetics is associated with long-term metabolic contro
l and presence of calculus. Therefore, regular maintenance care, inclu
ding patient motivation and instruction as well as professional calcul
us removal, is important for diabetic patients.