Several studies have demonstrated that dietary and environmental manip
ulations in the first months of life have a protective effect on the d
evelopment of allergic diseases in babies ''at risk'' of atopy. We hav
e prospectively followed up 174 ''high risk'' infants who underwent di
etary and environmental manipulations, such as exclusive breast-feedin
g for the first 6 months of life, supplemented if necessary with soy-p
rotein formula (Isomil, Abbott), delayed weaning beyond the 6th month
of life, and rigorous environmental manipulations for the elimination
of house-dust mite and passive smoking. The low prevalence of atopic d
isease (10%) and the trivial course of the allergic manifestations in
this ''at risk'' population confirm the effectiveness of this preventi
ve program. Moreover, this study demonstrates that the incidence of at
opic dermatitis peaks at 6 months, and decreases until it disappears.
Food allergy appears only at 6 months and may disappear later. The inc
idence of asthma peaks at 6 and 36 months and decreases at low levels
in the intervals. Allergic rhinitis develops not sooner than 36 months