Two thermal evolution models for Mars with crust formation and mantle
differentiation are compared. In the first model-termed the homogeneou
s differentiation model-we assume that a basaltic crust has grown stea
dily in 4.5 Ga as a consequence of pressure-release partial melting of
mantle rock. The second model-termed the early differentiation model-
incorporates the dichotomy and an early differentiation event. This ev
ent is assumed to have resulted in a mantle depleted of radioactive el
ements and a primordial enriched southern highland crust. We assume th
at the primordial crust acts as an efficient thermal blanket on the so
utherly hemisphere mantle. In a second stage of differentiation, a sec
ondary basaltic crust in the northerly hemisphere is produced by press
ure-release partial mantle melting. Our calculations suggest that the
homogeneous differentiation model cannot explain the isotopic characte
ristics of the SNC-meteorites, the concentration of Ar-40 in the prese
nt Martian atmosphere, the dichotomy, and the long-term stability of t
he northerly hemisphere volcanism. The early differentiation model has
the required geochemical reservoirs (depleted mantle, enriched crust
and, possibly, subcrustal mantle layer) and the calculated volume of t
he secondary crust is consistent with the concentration of Ar-40 in th
e atmosphere. The thickness of the secondary crust is between 10 and 4
0 km. It depends mainly on the amount of mantle depletion and the crus
t production efficiency, but little on the amount of thermal blanketin
g of the mantle by the primordial crust. The lithosphere thicknesses i
n the two hemispheres, on the contrary, depend to a large extent on th
e amount of thermal blanketing and little on the other two of the abov
e parameters. The present lithosphere thicknesses are roughly 150-200
km in the northerly hemisphere and 350-500 km in the southerly hemisph
ere. The present-day surface heat flow in the southerly hemisphere may
be about 15 mW m-2 smaller than in the northerly hemisphere. Mantle t
emperature decreases with the amount of depletion of the mantle and in
creases with the amount of thermal blanketing, but differs by no more
than about 100 K from mantle temperatures calculated in thermal evolut
ion models that neglect differentiation. Therefore, earlier core evolu
tion and magnetic field generation models [Stevenson et al., Icarus 54
, 466-489 (1983); Schubert and Spohn, J. geophys. Res. 95, 14,095-14,1
04 (1990)] calculated without allowing for mantle differentiation rema
in essentially valid.