Neurological endemic cretinism, resulting from severe iodine deficienc
y, is characterized by mental deficiency, deaf-mutism, and a spastic-r
igid motor disorder. Its neuropathology and pathophysiology have been
investigated very little. We report the clinical and magnetic resonanc
e imaging brain scan findings of 3 adult Chinese cretins. All show an
apparent magnetic resonance imaging abnormality in the globus pallidus
and substantia nigra, with hyperintensity on T1-weighted images and h
ypointensity on T2-weighted images. The motor abnormality, characteriz
ed by truncal and proximal limb-girdle rigidity and spasticity, with r
elative sparing of the hands and feet, is analogous to other extrapyra
midal disorders. Endemic cretinism is a unique form of cerebral palsy
of potential interest for students of human neuromotor development.