A major limitation of the boundary element method (BEM) for the soluti
on of electrical potential problems is the long computational time req
uired. However, a large portion of the calculations involved can be vi
ewed as being parallel in nature and can therefore be computed concurr
ently. This paper makes an effort to increase the efficiency of the BE
M process using transputer-based multiprocessor computing techniques.
The algorithms developed may equally well be applied to any multiproce
ssor system. The application selected to demonstrate the technique is
the solution of an electrostatic problem governed by a two-dimensional
Laplace equation. A parallel algorithm for problem setup and field ex
traction using BEM is designed and implemented on a transputer array.
Special attention is directed to the utilization of the parallel proce
ssors to achieve maximum efficiency. The analysis in this work concent
rates on the communication strategies for passing data between process
ors as well as a consideration of the workload attributed to each proc
essor. The parallel algorithms were implemented using 3L Parallel Fort
ran; however, the choice of topology for the overall BEM implementatio
n was limited by the fact that certain parts of the algorithm could on
ly utilize a pipeline configuration of processors. Comprehensive resul
ts for the parallel BEM algorithm are given and they are encouraging,
indicating that parallel processing has much to offer when applied to
the boundary element method.