Ke. Thorpe, THE AMERICAN STATES AND CANADA - A COMPARATIVE-ANALYSIS OF HEALTH-CARE SPENDING, Journal of health politics, policy and law, 18(2), 1993, pp. 477-489
Most comparisons of the relative effectiveness of cost containment in
the Canadian and U.S. health systems trace Canada's greater success to
its single-payer approach. However, these studies ignore the substant
ial variation that exists in hospital and personal health care spendin
g among both the American states and the provinces and territories of
Canada. Four American states have adopted all-payer hospital rate sett
ing; one other uses competitive bidding. All five show rates of growth
in per capita hospital spending comparable to (and in some cases, low
er than) the Canadian jurisdictions. Hospital spending, as a percentag
e of state gross domestic product (GDP), declined or remained constant
in four of the five states. In four out of the five, growth in per ca
pita spending on personal care, as a percentage of GDP, remained or fe
ll below the national average. By contrast, in Canada, per capita spen
ding on both hospitals and personal health care increased as a percent
age of GDP in ten out of eleven jurisdictions. In each of the U.S. sta
tes, government played a central role in structuring the terms of paym
ent and thus strengthened the hand of purchasers over providers. This
strategy, rather than specifically a single-payer or universal health
insurance approach, seems to be the key to limiting the growth in heal
th costs to the growth in state or national income.