Selected factors affecting somatic embryogenesis efficiency have been
studied, namely genotype, explant type and its orientation in the medi
um, different basal media, different auxins for somatic embryo inducti
on, and two ways of donor plant cultivation. The key role is played by
genotype and auxin used, the minimum effect was observed due to basal
media. In the series of subsequent experiments we have found the best
combination of individual factors as follows: cv, Altona, 10 muM 2,4-
D, L2 basal medium, central part of immature cotyledon as initial expl
ant oriented by adaxial side down on the agar medium, and field grown
donor plants. This combination exhibited 100 % embryogenic explants wi
th 5.43 +/- 0.65 somatic embryos per explant, i. e. somatic embryogene
sis efficiency 5.43.