An analysis of stray-light suppression in the white-light channel of t
he Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer experiment for the Solar and H
eliospheric Observatory is reported. The white-light channel consists
of a reflecting telescope with external and internal occultation and a
polarimeter section. Laboratory tests and analytical methods are used
to perform the analysis. The various stray-light contributions are cl
assified in two main categories: the contribution from sunlight that p
asses directly through the entrance aperture and the contribution of s
unlight that is diffracted by the edges of the entrance aperture. Valu
es of the stray-light contributions from various sources and the total
stray-light level for observations at heliocentric heights from 1.4 t
o 5 solar radii are derived. Anticipated signal-to-stray-light ratios
are presented together with the effective stray-light rejection by the
polarimeter, demonstrating the efficacy of the stray-light suppressio
n design.