Bb. Damaskin et al., IMPEDANCE SPECTRA FOR IDEALLY POLARIZABLE ELECTRODES IN THE HG [H2O+MCKBR+( 1-M)CKF]MODEL SYSTEM/, Soviet electrochemistry, 28(11), 1992, pp. 1318-1325
Impedance spectra for ideally polarizable electrodes in mixed solution
s of constant ionic strength were analyzed under the assumption that q
uasi equilibrium between the electric double layer and the solution is
preserved during the impedance measurements. The system: Hg/[H2O + mc
KBr + (1 - m)c KF], was used as the model for this analysis; in it, t
he specific adsorption of Br- ions and the equilibrium differential ca
pacitance were calculated with the Grahame-Parsons theory. It was foun
d that in systems of this kind, the frequency dispersion of measured c
apacitance which arises from ionic mass transport processes is more pr
onounced than in binary solutions having the same concentrations of th
e surface-active ion. For this reason, important distortions in the is
otherms of specific adsorption and erroneous values of the adsorption
parameters may arise when mixed electrolytes of constant ionic strengt
h are used (in the Hurwitz-Parsons method) without due allowance for t
he frequency dispersion of measured electrode capacitance.