P. Sprangle et al., ELECTRON-BEAM QUALITY LIMITATIONS AND BEAM CONDITIONING IN FREE-ELECTRON LASERS, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 331(1-3), 1993, pp. 6-11
Free electron lasers (FELs) operate over a large portion of the electr
omagnetic spectrum, i.e. from the mu-wave to the UV. At the high frequ
ency end of the spectrum, FEL operation is severely limited by a numbe
r of factors; prominent among them is the electron beam quality (elect
ron axial velocity spread). The axial velocity spread is due to the el
ectron beam's intrinsic energy spread and emittance. The general wavel
ength limitation in FELs due to electron beam quality is discussed. A
method for reducing the axial velocity spread is proposed and analysed
. This beam conditioning method redistributes the electrons' energy ac
cording to their betatron amplitude. This is accomplished by interacti
ng the beam with an axially symmetric, slow, TM waveguide mode.