Rj. Bakker et al., AGILITY OF FELIX REGARDING WAVELENGTH AND MICROPULSE SHAPE, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 331(1-3), 1993, pp. 79-83
The user-facility FELIX employs two FELs together covering the spectra
l range from 6.5 to 110 mum. Adjustment of the undulator strength perm
its wavelength tuning over a factor of two within two minutes while co
ntinuously providing several kilowatts of output power. As FELIX combi
nes short electron bunches with long wavelengths, short-pulse effects
play an important role. A spectral analysis and intensity correlation
measurements show that the micropulses are virtually transform limited
. At small cavity desynchronisation, the duration can be much smaller
than the electron-bunch duration (3 ps). Indications of the formation
of subpulses within the micropulse have been observed.