Wh. Urbanus et al., DESIGN OF THE 1-MW, 200-GHZ, FOM FUSION FEM, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 331(1-3), 1993, pp. 235-240
The FOM Institute for Plasma Physics has obtained funding for the deve
lopment of a 1 MW, long pulse, 140-250 GHz free-electron maser. The en
gineering design is presently being performed in an international coll
aboration. In this paper the main components of the free-electron mase
r, the electron beam line, the undulator and the millimetre-wave syste
m, are described. The basic design parameters of these components, whi
ch are optimized with the help of a fully 3-D, particle-pusher, FEM si
mulation code, are reported.