Fourteen species of brachiopods were collected from two measured secti
ons on Khios, and although the sections are only about 4 km apart, the
y contain but one genus in common. Both collections are from the zone
of Neoschwagerina, but the collection from the hill called Seladha is
probably somewhat younger than the collection from the region called A
grelias, because it is accompanied by the first appearance of the fusu
linind Verbeekina. The brachiopods at Agrelias are: Kotlaia aethopa n.
gen. and sp., Schuchertella tapina n. sp., Derbyia dirata n. sp., Mee
kella megala n. sp., Seseloidia phlebodes n, gen, and sp., Tschernysch
ewia sp. indet., Marginifera ganota n. sp., Entacanthadus chioticus n.
gen. and sp., Horridonia sp. A., and Linoproductus cf. L. lineatus Wa
agen. The fauna at Seladha contains: Linoproductus cf. L. lineatus, Co
mposita sp. indet., Squamularia sp. indet., Hustedia sp. indet., and T
imorina sp. indet. Both faunas are dated as middle Permian, Kungurian,
perhaps equivalent to the lower and upper parts of the Wordian of Nor
th America. The type species of Kotlaia is K. capillosa n. sp. from th
e Permian of the Salt Range, Pakistan, and a new genus of hercosiid (S
icularia) from the Permian of Sicily is introduced for nomenclatural r
easons, with type species Richthofenia sicula Gemmellaro.