A membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN) was diagnosed in 10
Yorkshire piglets, aged between 33 and 73 days, that had been submitte
d for routine autopsy. Matings of animals related to these piglets sub
sequently produced 15 offspring that had a membranoproliferative glome
rulonephritis when examined at between 5 and 48 days of age. The princ
ipal light microscopic changes in all examined glomeruli of all affect
ed piglets were thickening of the glomerular capillary walls and a con
spicuous mesangial cell proliferation. The glomerular capillary walls
of the affected piglets possessed a weak but distinct autofluorescence
when stained with thioflavine T and a strong reactivity for complemen
t factor 3 as demonstrated with immunohistochemical techniques. Ultras
tructural examination revealed intramembranous dense deposits in the g
lomerular basement membranes of kidneys from all affected. piglets. On
the basis of the initial matings and the morphological observations,
it is concluded that the described MPGN in Yorkshire piglets represent
s an inherited renal disease that is comparable to human MPGN type II
- dense deposit disease.