R. Tubiana et P. Chamagne, MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL PROBLEMS OF THE UPPER-LIMB ON MUSICIANS, Bulletin de l'Academie nationale de medecine, 177(2), 1993, pp. 203-216
We began our specific interest in this subject in 1975 and to date hav
e seen and treated over 600 musicians with functional problems of the
upper limb. These are common problems affecting over one third of inst
rumental musicians. Every instrument may have its own specific repercu
ssions. However certain factors may influence their onset : intensive
practice; a technique requiring non-physiological positioning; a chang
e in technique, instrument or habits ; pre-existing trauma ; psycholog
ical predisposition ; inappropriate physique. The presentations are va
ried and the limits imprecise. Muscles, tendons, joints and nerves may
be involved. The commonest, and easiest to cure are due to pain resul
ting from overuse syndromes cover a multitude of sins resulting from m
arked physical effort in excess of the normal physiological capacity o
f the body. Joint instability and degenerative disease pose their own
specific problems. Peripheral nerve lesions can be related to overuse
syndromes or to the adoption of non-physiological or harmful positions
. The most difficult problems to deal with are those related to a loss
of motor control when performing the same repetitive movement - funct
ional dystonia. Their origin remains obscure with the major discussion
revolving around either a neurological or organic aetiology. Our inte
nsive experience of instrumentalists with these problems secondary to
bad positioning or posture, has led us to propose a therapeutic regime
based on structured re-education and relaxation. The great majority o
f sufferers overuse syndromes or functional dystonias have been able t
o resume their professional activities. It is clear that functional dy
stonias are curable if treatment is instituted early and that the lesi
ons are not too long standing.