The use of biologic response modifiers to demonstrate a value-driven a
pproach to strategic management by pharmacists is described. To partic
ipate in decisions on the use of technology in their institutions, pha
rmacists must practice strategic management. This process includes env
ironmental scanning, analysis of clinical and pharmacoeconomic data, a
nd development of clinical management approaches. It is ideal for anal
yzing biologic response modifiers such as filgrastim and sargramostim.
Emphasis must be placed on maximizing the fit among the products, the
institution, and the health care environment. Pharmacists will find p
lentiful opportunities for clinical management with biotechnology agen
ts. Practitioners who specialize in determining the total cost of care
by using pharmacoeconomic methods are needed, as are practitioners tr
ained to monitor the complicated biotechnology agents. Also, the insti
tution needs to forecast accurately the impact of emerging biotechnolo
gy agents. If pharmacists can develop and control clinical, pharmacoec
onomic, and reimbursement information databases for biotechnology agen
ts, the pharmacy profession will be in a strong position to meet the c
hallenges of biotechnology and realize the inherent opportunities.