A novel mechanism is used to record photorefractive gratings in dielec
tric crystals. The photon energy of near-ultraviolet recording beams i
s larger than the energy gap, and the absorbed photons excite electron
s from the valence to the conduction band. These interband photorefrac
tive gratings in undoped KNbO3 show a faster response than gratings re
corded in the same material with visible light, i.e., below band-gap e
xcitation. We measured a response time tau = 5 mus for an intensity I
= 1 W/cm2 and a refractive-index change of 2 X 10(-5). In a transversa
l readout geometry, large diffraction efficiencies of 60% in 7.5-mm-lo
ng crystals are demonstrated. Interband photorefractive gratings are o
nly weakly affected by visible light.