A 3-cm-thick, two-layered clay unit that records mineralogic and textu
ral evidence of a catastrophic event that occurred at a time now marke
d as the end of the Cretaceous Period was preserved in ancient peat-fo
rming environments of the Western Interior Basin of North America. The
two layers of this unit consist of altered distal ejecta and are easi
ly distinguished by their distinctive texture and impact components fr
om other clay beds, mainly tonsteins and detrital shales, occurring wi
thin the sequence of rocks enclosing the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) bou
ndary interval. The lower claystone layer of the K/T boundary unit rep
resents melted silicic target rock that has altered mainly to kaolin m
inerals. Impact components and signatures of this lower layer include
a relict imbricate fabric of glass fragments, shards, bubbles, hollow
spherules (altered microtektites), small amounts of shocked mineral gr
ains, and a subdued iridium anomaly. These components and textures, co
mbined with the layer's restricted areal distribution, indicate that t
his layer, called the ''melt ejecta layer,'' is the distal part of an
ejecta blanket deposit. We interpret the melt ejecta layer to be an al
tered deposit of mostly impact-derived, shock-melted, silicic target m
aterial that traveled through the atmosphere within a detached ejecta
curtain and on other ballistic trajectories. The upper laminated layer
of the K/T boundary unit consists mostly of altered vitric dust and a
bundant shocked minerals whose size and amounts decrease away from the
putative crater site in the Caribbean area. High-nickel magnesioferri
te crystals, high iridium content, geochemical signature, and worldwid
e distribution all suggest this upper layer originated from a cloud of
vaporized bolide and entrained target-rock materials ejected above th
e atmosphere. The components of this layer, called the ''fireball laye
r,'' settled slowly by gravitational processes from an Earth-girdling
vapor cloud and were deposited immediately on top of the already-empla
ced melt ejecta layer. The clay minerals that formed in the two layers
are largely a function of composition and the highly unstable, shock-
modified state of the fallout materials altered in acidic, organic-ric
h waters of ancient peat swamps. The fireball layer is mostly altered
to smectitic clay from a mafic glass condensed from the vaporized chon
dritic bolide, along with some kaolinite formed from blebs of melted s
ilicic target material entrained in the vapor plume cloud during eject
ion. In contrast, the melt ejecta layer is mainly kaolinitic, derived
from silicic glass formed from melted target rocks. In this layer, the
glass rapidly altered to mostly disordered, micrometer-sized ''cabbag
e-like'' or submicrometer-sized embryonic forms of spherical halloysit
e, probably from an allophane precursor. These crystallization charact
eristics of the melt ejecta layer are much different than those which
formed coarse vermicular aggregates and platy kaolinite crystals in to
nsteins from outside the K/T boundary inter-val throughout the Western
Interior. The contrast in the incipient formation of dominantly kaoli
nitic clay minerals in the basal melt ejecta layer and of smectitic cl
ay minerals in the overlying fireball layer reflect silicic versus maf
ic starting materials, respectively, and also supports the proposed tw
o-phased meteorite impact ejection and dispersal model. During subsequ
ent burial and diagenesis of the K/T boundary unit, the metastable hal
loysite and smectite aggraded to kaolinite and mixed-layer illite/smec
tite, respectively. Both the ordering of kaolinite and illitization of
smectite varies locally as a function of the degree of diagenetic gra
de or maturity, probably in response to local variations in temperatur
e due to maximum burial depth (burial diagenesis).