Vertigo consists of a variety of syndromes and can be due to many etio
logies. One of these causes is migraine, which in our experience is of
ten overlooked, although migrainous vertigo is well known in the liter
ature. Vertigo in migraine can occur as aura or during the headache ph
ase, or independent of the attacks as aura without headache. The aim o
f this retrospective study was to analyze cases with vertigo and migra
ine: 23 (8%) of 298 patients with migraine examined in a neurological
outpatient department also had rotational vertigo. 48% of these patien
ts had vertigo independent from typical migraine headache. Two types o
f vertigo were found: permanent vertigo, and vertigo with the characte
ristics of paroxysmal positional vertigo. 57% of the vertiginous attac
ks lasted hours, 26% even days, and 17% minutes. Most of the patients
had several attacks of vertigo, some involving up to 30 episodes. To r
ecognize migraine as a cause of vertigo has therapeutic implications.
Most of our patients with vertigo and migraine showed a good response
to antimigraine therapy.