Stresses in composite cylindrical shells rotating with a constant spee
d about their longitudinal axis are analyzed. Each ply or ply group is
treated as a separate thin layer of homogeneous and orthotropic mater
ial under the interfacial stresses as surface loading. There is no lim
itation on the total thickness of the shell. The circumferential stres
s, motivated by the conventional thin shell theory, is assumed to vary
linearly through the thickness of the layer. The radial stress is det
ermined in terms of the circumferential stress through the equilibrium
condition, and an average compatibility condition through the thickne
ss of the thin layer is used. Numerical results using the present anal
ysis show nearly perfect agreement with the exact solution for homogen
eous and isotropic cylinders. Some results for cylinders having orthot
ropic layers are presented for illustrative purposes.