This article proposes a novel and general mixture component model, the
features of which include a hierarchical structure with random effect
s, mixture components characterized by ANOVA-like linear regressions,
and mixing mechanisms governed by logistic regressions. The model was
developed as a consequence of attending to long-standing psychological
theory about schizophrenic behavior. Scientifically revealing results
are obtained by fitting the model to a data set concerning nonschizop
hrenic and schizophrenic eye-tracking behavior under different conditi
ons. Included are description's of the algorithms for model fitting, s
pecifically the ECM/SECM algorithms for large sample modal inference,
and the Gibbs sampler for simulating the posterior distribution. For g
uidance on model comparison and selection, we use posterior predictive
check distributions to obtain posterior predictive p-values for likel
ihood ratio statistics, which do not have asymptotic chi(2) reference
distributions. These posterior predictive p-values suggest that all th
e mixture components in our model are necessary. The final model is se
lected using a combination of scientific parsimony, the posterior pred
ictive p-values, and the posterior distributions of relevant parameter